HS2 Construction

We have had the construction of HS2 on our doorstep for a couple of years now and several residents
and businesses have raised concerns regarding the extent of the works. These comments have
included phrases such as ‘wholesale destruction of the countryside’ and why is such a large area being
used when the width of the completed railway will be only 20 – 30 metres wide.

Most residents will be unfamiliar with the construction of major infrastructure projects, and we in this
Parish don’t just have one we have two! Namely the M42 Junction 6 and HS2.

In order to try and reassure residents that what is happening is quite normal for major construction
work, and the situation will improve when the work is completed, the Parish Council has obtained a
booklet containing aerial images of the completed section of HS1 as it runs through Kent. This work
was completed in the early 2000’s and the photographs were taken a year or two after this. They show
how the mainly rural areas along the line of the railway have been regenerated.

Please see attached document for more information and photographs: Construction Leaflet Mar 16 2023