*The revised route for some aircraft turning over the village to fly north is now operational and hopefully residents affected should have noticed a reduction in noise from the mainly propeller aircraft and small jets which were causing the problem.
*The airport company continues to work with the airlines to address the issue of aircraft flying south of the centreline of the northbound turn but there are difficulties with the co-operation of some of the airlines which continue to cause problems.
*Following the results of a three month trial it has been established that there is a community benefit to be gained by raising the Noise Preferential Route (NPR) from 3,000 feet to 4,000 feet and not permitting aircraft to be taken off their Standard Instrument Departure (SID) routing until an altitude of 4,000 feet had been achieved and this change was implemented for all southbound departures effective from 1st July 2016.
Complaints about departing aircraft noise can be made on line at: https://www.birminghamairport.co.uk/about-us/community-and-environment/aircraft-noise/make-a-community-complaint/